Get ready for new insights from M&T Money Smart

Improve decisions about how to reach your unique money goals.

Your personalized financial insights feed gives you broader perspective on where your dollars are going and how you could make them work harder - while also helping to keep them safe.


Get familiar with your finances

View spending categories.

Understand what portion of your budget you're spending on Travel versus Food & Dining or Health & Fitness.

Track spending trends.

Compare monthly expenses to see when you've spent, or are on track to spend, more or less than average.

Identify top merchants.

See what retailers you spend the most with. Use this knowledge to set a budget or consider where you may earn rewards.

We're excited to bring you a custom financial insights feed.

Still exploring Money Smart?

Understand what you're saving and spending with the ability to track all of your M&T and non-M&T accounts in one place.